Hello everyone,
Meng told me that he would really like to do one more class with you before he leaves our fair city!
So get ready for a Milonga Intensive int/adv class!
EDAM Dance Studio, 303 E 8th Avenue, Buzz 02
beginner's class 6:30 - 7:30 $12 per drop in
7:45 - 9:00 intermediate/advance class $15 drop in.
Open practica 9:00 - 10:30 $5 drop in (free for class attendees)
bring water to keep you hydrated.
for the love of tango we persevere...
If you have not paid for the March 3 one day workshop with Michelle and Joachim tonight would be a good time to do this !
NB: We are not accepting new registrations for follows, however we are accepting registration from leads and couples.
NB: remember to park carefully or your car will be towed. Do not park too close to a corner or driveway, in residential parking spots, (the north side of E 8th avenue where EDAM is, is residential parking only.)