Monday, February 7, 2011

Dancing to DiSarli Series - Feb 9 - M arch 9

Starting Wednesday, February 9, Meng and I start the "Dancing to DiSarli" series.
The classes are not progressive, so you can join in anytime.

Edam Dance Studio, 303 East 8th Avenue, Buzz #02
7:30 - 8:45 Intermediate - Advanced level - $15 drop in or 5 classes $60
Class attendees invited to stay and practice for free.

9:00-10:30 practica - $5.
(Meng and I are available for assistance)
Bring water to keep hydrated.

for the love of tango we persevere....

Sunday Contemporary Tango Classes

Meng and I are continuing with the contemporary tango classes on Sundays.
As these classes are not progressive, you can join in anytime.

2:30 - 4:00pm Intermediate-Advanced Level $15 drop in
These classes have an emphasis on technique as it is very difficult to dance this way if you don't. The figures help you to understand why you need good technique and what you need to learn.

EDAM Dance studio, 303 East 8th Avenue, Buzz #02
bring water to keep hydrated.

For the love of tango we persevere...